Saturday, March 30, 2013


Part of My Flock

       Chickens the one animal I never thought about when I was growing up. Looking at the chickens at the fair was fun sure, but who would want them? I bought into the belief that they were boring creatures, with no personality; I never once considered them to be pets until a few years ago.

        Now animals have always been my thing, I have always had cat’s, we have had a few dogs, and then fish. I always want more though.  Especially goats you know those ones that faint? I saw them a few years ago and thought they were awesome. Well my dad turned the goat idea down, so I needed to come up with something else. I really just wanted something to take care of and the idea of chickens came to me. I brought the idea to my parents to just get four or five of them. Well my dad liked the idea not only do you have eggs, but there is a source of meat there to! So we started planning.

Klaus (Barred Rock Rooster)
                Six or so months later I had my first flock of birds. Anyone who knows my dad knows that when he does something he goes ALL out. Our first coop was a really nice 8 x 12 shed with a run attached. We got 20 birds. Sex links, Rhode Island reds, and one lone speckled Sussex. Now fast forward 2 years, a new house, and a bigger coup.

                I now have 36 and counting chickens of varying breeds. A larger coop, multiple tractors for in the summer, we have moved to a place of 15 acres instead of the 1 acre lot we started with and more eggs than we know what to do with!

                Needless to say my opinion of chickens has changed quite a bit I no longer think they are boring creatures with no personality. I no longer think they wouldn’t make great pets. My now three years in chicken keeping has shown me that they probably have the most personality of any of my other animals. Some of them make awesome pets and love to be held, my love for this feathered creature is at the point where I can’t imagine not having them! My summer days would be dull and boring, and I wouldn’t know what to do with myself every morning! The winter now that’s another story!

Mr. Poofy Cheeks (EE Rooster)

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